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Version 3.4.5 Changes

This release has some important new review features for instructors!  And, it also includes support for the awesome new Diversity Content and Theory and Aural I-III sequences introduced in Version 6.1.


  • Instructors can now review and examine each question of a student task! (1818, 1817)
  • User task results now indicate their group and attempt status; complete, grading pending etc (1983, 1945)
  • LMS Tasks - can now review and examine each question of a student task!  Supports Canvas and MusicFirst (1853, 1923, 1922)


  • Issues with tests timers expiring early when all questions are complete resolved (1957)
  • Resuming a task with all questions complete, but time remaining is now supported (1971)


  • Assessment issues with barline questions and anacrusis resolved (1986)
  • Issues with accidentals and hidden barlines resolved (1964)
  • Rare problems with questions using Jazz Chord symbols resolved (1969)
  • Tempo issues in Creative questions resolved (1965, 1962)


  • Issues entering mixed triplets resolved (1959)
  • Rests in different voices now display correctly (1979)
  • Issues deleting notes in voice 2 when voice 1 has a rest fixed (1992)


  • Student task results now indicate their group and attempt status; complete, grading pending etc (1982, 1945)
  • Percussion sounds improved for some instruments (1742)
  • Student cannot review a task if review disabled (2030)