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Rising Software Australia Pty Ltd Privacy Policy

(“Rising Software”) collects, uses and discloses your data as follows.

1. Collection

1.1 Rising Software collects the following information (“the Data”) from you:

name, address, school name, school address, email address, payment details (“Customer Data”).

name(s), email address(es) and student id(s) (neither compulsory), examination and practise content and results (“Cloud Services User Data”)

information about your device including, your browser details and IP address; and information about how you used Rising Software’s website and cloud services including, which pages you visited, how you used the website and when you used it (“Usage Data”).

The Data is collected:

(a) to provide you with the software and the website and cloud experience;

(b) to enable you to purchase products and services from Rising Software;

(c) to enable the institution who purchased any products and services from Rising Software and its employees and agents to assist you as they see fit;

(d) to enable Rising Software to market further products and services to you;

(e) to communicate with you; and

(f) to communicate with your students, for support purposes only; and

(g) to enable Rising Software’s resellers to provide support to you and to offer further Rising Software products and services to you, only if you have already purchased Rising Software products from said reseller or granted permission for referral to a reseller.

1.2 In relation to information

(a) The entity which collects that information is Rising Software Australia. It may be contacted by:

(i) post:

(ii) telephone

(iii) facsimile

(iv) email


(b) You can gain access to information by sending an email to [email protected]

(c) “Customer Data” is not disclosed to any party other than the following data processors:

AllUnited StatesLinode
AllAs per policyPaddle

(payment information only, if purchased via Paddle only)

AllAs per policyPayPal

(payment information only, if purchased using PayPal)

AllAs per policyBrevo

(name and email address, product information)

Various Resellers

(only if customer has previously purchased Rising Software product(s) from reseller, for renewal purposes)


(d) “Cloud Services User Data” concerning students is not disclosed to any party other than the following data processors, who provide hosting facilities for the software and website and cloud experience:

United States & South AmericaUnited StatesLinode
United KingdomUnited KingdomLinode
European UnionGermany
Australia & New ZealandAustraliaBinary Lane
ChinaChinaAlibaba Cloud
AfricaUnited KingdomLinode


(e) “Usage Data” for all users and “Cloud Services User Data” concerning non-students is disclosed to the following data processors:

AllUnited StatesLinode


(f) All “Customer Data” and “Cloud Service User Data” is backed up using these data processors:

AllUnited StatesLinode
AllAustraliaRising Software
AllVariousAmazon AWS


(g) There is no law that requires collection of information.

(h) If you do not provide information then Rising Software is unable to provide you with any services or software or access to its websites.

1.3 The information is only collected from you and your computer.

2. Use & Disclosure

2.1 The information collected is not used for any purpose other than the primary purpose of collection.

2.2 Online orders via our website are conducted by online reseller is the Merchant of Record for these online orders and provides customer service and handles returns for these orders.

3. Data Quality

3.1 Rising Software Australia shall promptly update any information that it collects about you to ensure that it is accurate, complete and up to date.

4. Data Security

4.1 Rising Software shall protect the information that it collects from misuse, loss and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. Where available encryption is used.

4.2 Rising Software shall destroy or permanently de identify information if:

(a) it is no longer needed for any purpose for which the information may be used or disclosed or

(b) Rising Software is directed to do so by a data subject.

5. Openness

5.1 This document can be found at and is available upon request to [email protected].

5.2 The information collected is held in the computer systems and books and records of Rising Software as data controller and the data processors listed in this policy.

6. Anonymity

6.1 Where possible Rising Software shall provide you with the option of not identifying yourself when entering into a transaction.

7. Sensitive Information

7.1 Rising Software does not collect information in relation to health, racial or ethnic background, or criminal records.


8.1 This statement sets out Rising Software’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation with which it complies.


9.1 The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (“FERPA”) is a USA federal law that states that an educational institution must establish a written institutional policy concerning the confidentiality of student education records and the fact that students must be notified of this statement of policy and their rights under the legislation. Your student records are protected by FERPA policy and Rising Software staff have been trained to follow and enforce this policy.

9.2 FERPA Block – A FERPA Block allows you to protect the privacy of your information. It prevents the release of all your private information, including the ability of Rising Software to communicate with you by phone should you need to discuss information in your record. If you have a FERPA Block in place, you can communicate with us by email.

9.3 In accordance with FERPA, you have the following rights:

(a) The right to inspect and review education records covered by FERPA.

(b) The right to challenge (seek correction of) the contents of these records.

(c) The right to a formal hearing, if necessary, for a fair consideration of such a challenge.

(d) The right to place an explanatory note in the record in the event that a challenge of contents is unsuccessful.

(e) The right to control, with certain exceptions, the disclosure of the contents of the records.

(f) The right to be informed of the existence and availability of the institutional policy covering FERPA rights.

(g) The right to report violations of FERPA legislation to Rising Software and any applicable administrative body. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, DC, 20202-4605.

9.4 If you wish to inspect, review or challenge your education records please submit a written request to Rising Software at 3 Darling St, Fairfield, Victoria, 3078 AUSTRALIA.