Version 4.6.2 Changes
A nice little update with lots grading improvements and more accessibility work!
- NEW - LMS Task launch - 'new test' is now cleaner and easier to use, the test you create is now automatically selected on the 'Tasks' screen (3475, 3476)
- Various visual improvements
Grading & Review
- Navigating whilst grading is now faster (3145)
- Student answers can now be played back in creative questions (3424)
- Musition questions can now be played back (3132)
- The grading screen can now be expanded to full width on larger screens! (3138)
- Problems with shortcut keys on Mac resolved (3407)
- Cannot grade Incomplete attempts now - they must be Submitted first (3472)
- Melodic Dictation - students can now play their answers (most questions!) (3461) - more work will be done on this in future releases
- Accessibility - admin areas - changes to improve compatibility with screen readers for students (3378)
- Accessibility - admin areas - changes to ensure colour contrast meets AA levels (3378)
- Accessibility - admin areas - changes to ensure keyboard compatibility (3378)
- Extended instructions in drills are now wider (3425)