Version 4.5.3 Changes
A few little fixes and improvements!
- Importing users no longer fails if a user already exists or no classes supplied (3080, 3243)
- Comments now saved when navigating without submitting a grade (3139)
- Improvements to layout and size of comments area (3133)
- 'Free Text' questions now display answer properly (3134)
- Keyboard Shortcuts now added for 'Notation Zoom' and 'Hide Navigator' (3137, 3136)
- Navigator now scrolls to the current question (3147)
- The 'AUTO' filger is now disabled by default (3135)
- Improvements to text colours in comments (3140)
- Issues with 'Previous Question' keyboard shortcut resolved (3144)
- Question name is now displayed above 'Comments & Grade' area (3141)
- Confirmation added to the 'Submit' button (3146)
- 'Current marks' are now correctly shown when first entering Grading (3142)
- Multi Choice -> Extended - typeface and layout improvements (3247, 3255)
- Multi Choice -> Extended - playback and display added to feedback options (3246)
- Multiple Choice - now support a second display option in the feedback (3230)
- Support for new option to allow barlines to be inserted between nearly any notes (3172)
- Music font is now slightly larger (3111)
- Courtesy accidentals are now supported (3123)
- The 'top menu' can be shrunk on small screens, making more room for the question (309)
- Various issues with date formats resolved
- Clefs are now correct in Musition Enharmonic Notes feedback (3264)