Version 1.0.1 Changes
This page details all the fixes and improvements that have been made in the browser client 1.0.1, which was live as of 16th February, 2017.
- Problems in Musition Rhythm Tapping resolved – tempo & metronome (251)
- Problems with the tempo slider resolved (201, 198)
- Multiple choice layouts – now uses two columns when possible (107)
MusicFirst Online Classroom
- Selecting logout no longer takes you back to a login screen (252)
- Notation typeface loading issues resolved (105)
- Issues with tests never displaying in tasks resolved (262)
- Issues with tests displaying in tasks only after a long delay resolved (265)
- Correct class default syllabus now used for practise (263)
- Improved text on the Administration page (256)
- ‘Spinners’ now show during server communications (188)