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User Privileges & Access

There are six types of users in Auralia & Musition, each with different levels of access to various features.


Student access is the most common; it allows people to use the program for learning activities, but does not allow any administration or configuration of the system.


Graders are a very restricted type of administrator, and can only use the Grading area of the software.


Assistants have access to all administration areas, but cannot;

  • Clear scores
  • Delete, copy or create classes and users 
  • Delete, copy or create tests, courses or syllabi
  • Delete, copy or create library questions or media
  • Modify any password, security or network settings


Teachers have access to all administration areas, but cannot;

  • Clear scores
  • Delete library questions or media
  • Modify any password, security or network settings


Administrators also have access to all areas, but cannot;

  • Modify password settings

System Administrator

System Administrators can do everything.. except – they cannot make passwords hidden for ALL users.  If you are using Cloud, please contact us if you would like this enabled.