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Musition Changes


  • Time limits - issues with warning time limited to 1 minute resolved (4824)
  • Resumed tests now resume at correct question again (4830)
  • Issues with 'question looping' when resuming tests that were started in V5 now resolved (4836)
  • Incorrect scores when resuming tests that were started in V5 now resolved (4838)
  • Content no longer disappears when changing a test to 'Desktop and Browser' (4839)


  • Test Final Scores - now always shows correct list of 'not attempted' students (4832)


  • Issues with certain questions not displaying correct resolved (4614)


  • Topic groups can now have unlimited topics (4823)
  • Feedback now shows correct text (4851)
  • Copied syllabi now display custom chord palettes correctly (4855)
  • Rare issues with 'pressed notes' disappearing with on-screen keyboard, guitar and solfege controllers resolved (4852)