Library Searching
The Auralia & Musition library is a vast beast with thousands of audio recordings, notation, links and questions.
When you enter terms into the search bar, it's best to separate items with a comma. You will be searching library questions and media, across the following information;
- Titles
- Composers
- Descriptions
- Question type
- Tags & custom tags
- ... and musical metadata such as key, time signature and tonality etc
Sample Search
- Mozart, Dictation, 3/4, D Major, 8 bars
Search Tips
Below are some sample words and phrases to use when trying to find various types of content.
Texture | Monophonic, homophonic, polyphonic |
Meter | 3/4, 4/4 |
Key | Bb major, F# minor` |
Tonality | Diatonic, chromatic, atonal, modal, dorian |
Rhythm | Hemiola, syncopation, triplets |
Genre | pop, contemporary, cpm1 (=common practice music), cpm0 (=NOT common practice music |
Harmony | applied, mixture |
Source material | repertoire (ie drawing from literature) |
Question Type | Interval writing (Musition), Four-part writing, Sight Singing |
Question Format | multiple choice, highlight, chord symbols, tapping, notate |
Question Title | meter recognition, |
Composer | Mayer, Chopin |
Playback type
'audio playback' | include all questions where there is an audio file used in playback |
'notation playback' | include all questions where there is a notation file used in playback |
Note: “audio” and “notation” etc searches already function to filter the media type
Special Search Tags
If you are looking for melodies or chord progressions with specific melodic leaps or harmonic vocabulary please get in touch.