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Content 74005 Changes

This update includes some great new Taylor Swift aural worksheets and VCE curriculum updates!

You can find the new worksheets in the Popular Music and VCE Exams test groups, ready to 'Assign' to your students.  Include any of the new questions in your own quizzes by searching the library for 74005 when adding questions.

  • 1000 new questions

Taylor Swift

NEW - three levels of ear training exercises, all based around some of Taylor Swift's greatest hits.

  • Contour, Dynamics, Texture, Tonality
  • Instrument recognition, Form
  • Scale degree ID, Rhythm ID, Intervals
  • Modulation and Harmonic Dictation

VCE Updates

New worksheets for repertoire and contemporary streams covering all the key question types – melodic, rhythmic and harmonic dictation, contour, scales chords and intervals.

  • 2023: Repertoire Performance Exam
  • 2023: Contemporary Performance Exam
  • NEW - 13 exam level and context worksheets for repertoire and contemporary streams 
  • Syllabus enhancements


  • Melodic dictation with rhythm provided (search for "melodic dictation, vce, rhythm given")
  • Chord writing questions - "by note name"
  • New cadence levels with ‘UK’ terminology in the popular music syllabus