Content 17106 Changes
Cloud - Full Edition
This content update features over 900 new library questions focused on music fundamentals in Musition; scales, chords, intervals, clef transposition, terms & symbols, meter transposition and the new 'music in context' question sets featuring a variety of theory questions based around 13 short excerpts.
Simply search the library in Musition for 17106!
Questions in keys up to four sharps and flats.
- Complete the tonic triad
- Identify the diatonic triad
- True & False
Questions covering all diatonic intervals from the tonic in keys up to four sharps and flats.
- Reading by quality only
- Writing
Questions up to four ledger lines.
- Note reading
- Clef transposition
- Pitch comparison
Key Signatures
Questions up keys up to four sharps and flats.
- Identify the correctly written key signature – includes common errors as answer options
- o Add accidentals to the displayed excerpt to place it in a particular key
- Identify the key
Music in context questions - 4-8 bar excerpts
- Covering intervals, scale degrees, note reading, rhythm, scale degrees, scales, tones/semitones, terms & symbols, chords and time signatures
Questions in 12/8, 9/8 with values down to 32nd notes.
- Meter – recognition and enter the barlines
- Meter transposition
- Grouping & Beaming – multiple choice 'Identify the correct beaming'
- Rhythmic subdivision
- Meter definitions
- Complete the bar
- Highlight the incorrect pitches in the displayed scale
- Complete the scale
- Scale comparison
- Scale Degree reading & writing