Auralia 4.53 Changes
This page details all the fixes and improvements that have been made in Auralia 4.53. You can download the latest version here.
- Chord Progressions and Advanced Chord Progressions – ii7 chord symbol corrected (2828)
- Melodic Dictation and Rhythmic Dictation now feature horizontal scrolling notation (2774)
- Jazz Chord Progressions – many visual improvements (2833)
- Meter Recognition results – metronome fixed (2852)
- Most result screens now have notation cursor following playback (2774)
- Improvements to melody generation in Pitch Dictation (2847)
- Intervals Level 8 now includes ascending intervals, as per the description (2835)
- Diatonic Chords – ii7 chord symbol corrected (2828)
- Symbols – ‘Tremelo’ spelling error resolved (2797)
- Beaming – now has a ‘Clear’ button so can start again (2380)
- Instrument Range qustion text improvement (2834)
- Change password dialog no longer allows changing of login name, first name and last name – only password (2821)
- Passwords can no longer have spaces (2826)
- Test resumption now working correctly (2838)
- Password recovery link on login screen for Cloud customers (2817)
- Various interface and operating system compatibility improvements (2773)
- NEW – Multi Select in User Administration (2816)
- NEW – Multi Select in Class Administration (2822)
- NEW – Multi Select in Test Administration (1832)
- Class Professor settings now save correctly (2837)
- Improved error reporting when importing students (2841)
- NEW – Filter by percentage in test and course results – see which students are getting more or less than % of questions correct. Super handy! (2756)
- Much faster report generation (2815)
- Syllabus Detail report text no longer cutoff (2695)
- Various layout improvements (2802, 2796, 2849)