Auralia 4.52 Changes
This page details all the fixes and improvements that have been made in Auralia 4.51 and Auralia 4.52.
- Pitch Dication – notation improvements (2376)
- Interval Comparison – improved question text (2735)
- Chord Progressions and Advanced Chord Progressions – dramatic improvements to drill interface (2742)
- Pentatonic scale renamed ‘Pentatonic (major)’ (2751)
- Tuning – improved question text (2735)
- Jazz Chord Symbols – improved feedback notation (2660)
Courses and Lessons
- Various typos now resolved (2702)
- AP Exam Level – chord reference lesson corrected (2670)
- MIDI volume issues resolved on Mac – new DLS output device supported (2382)
- Check my results – test results would show incorrect percentage (not on report) (2728)
- Figured bass now drawn correctly (2745)
- Notation improvements in cadences (2661)
- Much much smaller installation files
- Rhythm terminology always set to USA in some topics (2753)
- Various improvements in the Control Centre (2683)
- Syllabus export now working correctly in Cloud (2653)
- Problems importing tests exported with 4.5.0 resolved (2741)
- Can now select multiple tests when clearing test results (Administration -> Users) (2401)
- Syllabus level copying – can now copy levels from one syllabus to another (2726)
- Syllabus importing now much faster in Cloud (2747)
- Tests – can now ‘select all’ for Classes
- NEW – Inactive student report – who has been hasn’t been doing anything! Find it under Lists and Settings (2699)
- NEW – Filter by percentage in practise results – see which students are getting more or less than % of questions correct. Super handy! (2698)
- Better grouping in Test Overall report, when using a single test (2419)