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Auralia 4.05 Changes

This page details all the fixes and improvements that have been made in Auralia 4.05. You can download the latest version here.


  • Problems with some Jazz Chord Progressions have been resolved (2024)
  • Some rhythms in Rhythm Elements and Rhythm Element Dictation were not notated or played correctly (1957)
  • Improvements to Jazz Chord Progressions multiple choice answers (1764)
  • Keyboard tonic note entry now works in Jazz Chord Progressions (1763)
  • All interval topics now feature revised interval selection (1949)
  • Enharmonic notes are now allowed in all Absolute Pitch question types (2021)
  • Interval singing octave displacement feedback text corrected (2001)
  • Rhythm Imitation drum sound now uses syllabus setting (1996)
  • Fixed some issues with Chord Progression symbols (1961)
  • Reduced volume of bass lines in Jazz Chord Progressions (1906)


  • Modulation examples now playback correctly (1853)
  • Playback indicator now follows bars that are incomplete correctly (1900)
  • Chord Scale Relations reference has improved appearance (1612)


  • A new course navigator allows for simpler course navigation and status (1912)
  • Incorrect levels in the Ear Training Course Level 1 fixed (2013)

Sound Issues

  • Midi and Wave device names were cutoff on Windows Vista and 7 (1895)
  • Double speed playback issues with Digidesign MBox 1 on Mac resolved (1993)
  • Disabling microphone input now prevent the program startup warning from appearing (2026)


  • Problems with registration of long school names have been resolved (1964)
  • Double spaces are now prevented when registering (1786)
  • Help crashing on Mac resolved (1967)
  • On Mac, Australian syllabuses now appear on the main screen correctly (1984)
  • ‘Hide topics without results’ option in ‘Check my Results’ now works correctly (1944)
  • Only one test can now be chosen in the ‘Start Test’ screen, reducing confusion (1983)
  • Enharmonic note issues with Piano, Guitar and Solfege controllers resolved (1760)


  • Small speed increases when writing to the database (1987)
  • Major speed increase for network clients. Most musical content is now loaded from the local database
  • Database updates can now be run more than once without causing errors if it fails (1943)
  • Tests now feature timeslots, allowing scheduling of times when they can be started (1997)
  • It is now possible to unlink ALL tests for a selected class on the Test administration screen (1997)
  • You only need to login after leaving the Security form if you have set it to Names and Passwords (1997)


  • Test reports now show start and finish dates of test (1867)
  • Test reports can now be filtered by date (1988)
  • Various page break improvements in reports (1767, 1978)
  • Various text wrapping issues resolved (1860)
  • Issues with total attempts in test status report resolved (1918)