Auralia 4.04 Changes
This page details all the fixes and improvements that have been made in Auralia 4.03 & Auralia 4.04. You can download the latest version here.
- The replay button in some topics was not working (1820)
- During a test, the replay button now displays the number of replays remaining (1826)
- Minor feedback improvement in Meter Recognition (1809)
- Rhythm Styles now has playback on the feedback screen (1797)
- Jazz Chord Symbols would allow you to submit an answer with nothing selected, and use first option as the answer (1821)
- Feedback text improved in Rhythm Comparison (1880)
- Issues with questions in extreme ranges resolved (1793)
- Playback added to Rhythm Elements and Rhythm Element Dictation feedback screens (1869)
- Jazz Chord Progressions feedback and drill has much improved chord display (1751, 1789)
- Various level setup screens would show C#/Bb instead of C#/Db (1884)
- Improved rhythm terminology throughout syllabus level descriptions, terms, concepts, etc. Dual terminology such as ‘crotchet / quarter note’ eliminated and Auralia will now display according to default syllabus setting for the current user’s class (1689)
- Australian state syllabuses no longer appear on main screen for people located outside Australia (1542)
- Jazz Chord levels 2 and 3 in the Jazz syllabus now play chords as a block (1916)
- Notation now has playback position indicator (1870)
- Various spelling and grammar changes (1782, 1839)
- Clicking on play would cause the page to scroll back to the top (very rare!) (1807)
- The first example in Rhythm Introduction would not play (1896)
- Playing back entire multiple part examples is now much easier – position the cursor over any bar line or between the parts (1852)
Sound Issues
- Question incorrect sound now only plays once if you get question wrong and then decline to retry (1865)
- It is now possible to select your wave output device from within Auralia (1817)
- Volume of one ‘incorrect’ sound now similar to all other sounds (was too soft) (1836)
- Course errors such as ‘Unable to write results. execute insert/update on course result violation….’ have been resolved. These would generally only have occurred if you have attempted a course multiple times (1899)
- Improved main screen layout and sizes for higher resolutions (1917, 1777)
- Date range selection now working correctly on the ‘Check my results’ screen (1824)
- Support for smaller screen sizes such as 1024 x 600 improved (1919, 1913)
- Test selection from main screen is now divided up into Rising Software and Custom tests (1873)
- Test and Course selection screens now have friendlier prompts when resuming (1870)
- Help for Test and Courses administration screens now displays correctly (1854)
- Improved error messages when network database isn’t available or needs upgrading (1812)
- Manual now has entries for Tests, Chord Context, Custom Levels and the Terms and Concepts editors (1850)
- Errors when importing Tests now resolved (1818)
- It is now no longer possible to import an Auralia test into Musition or vice versa. This did not cause errors but was confusing – the Test would not appear in the program you imported to! (1877)
- Information and error messages referring to Courses on the Test administration screen now corrected (1871, 1819, 1904)
- Locked tests can now be deleted (1831)
- After importing a test or course, Auralia will now prompt you to assign it to the Default Class (1742)
- Tests that have results can now no longer have their number of attempts set lower than the number of attempts already taken. This will prevent accidental deletion of older results (1703)
- The test editor now has 1 as the default number of replays (1827)
- It is now possible to hide Rising Software tests on the Test Administration screen (1868)
- Syllabuses can now be ‘locked’, ensuring that they aren’t changed by students when they are imported (1886)
- When importing a syllabus, Auralia will now try to replace an existing syllabus of the same name if possible. Any existing results and linked test entries will be kept, unless levels have been completely deleted or renamed (1885)
- On Mac the mouse scroll wheel would alter various drop down combo box contents even if the combo didn’t have focus (1833)
- When exporting default folder is now the typical ‘Documents folder for the logged in user (1830, 1866)
- Student import feature now doesn’t require quotes (“”) around each item but will work with them if they are present (1847)
- There is now sample student import file available for download via the import feature dialog (1848)
- If you copied the Default Class you could not rename it or delete it (1874)
- Students can now be prevented from changing their class on the User Administration screen (1861)
- Improved menu layout for Sound and Pictures
- Reports now show any parameters (date range, class, user selection etc) on the first page of the report (1690)
- Test results were still available for students regardless of test setting, but only via Report button on the ‘Check my Results’ screen (1697)
- CSV export is now available for all reports, via a new button on the report preview screen (1661)
- Empty reports (no results etc) would sometimes show syntax errors (1858)
- Course Entries report now displays column headings on each page (1715)
- Occasional crash on Mac when doing a second report preview fixed (1835)