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Modulation Support

17th April 2024

Auralia & Musition now support modulation!  This includes display and entry of the starting key, plus pivot and direct modulations; perfect for harmonic analysis, four-part writing, harmonic dictation and creative question types.


Modulation Support

YouTube Integration

17th April 2024

Auralia now includes integrated YouTube video support with hundreds of questions.  This is great for incorporating pop and contemporary based content in your ear training curriculum.  You can embed any YouTube videos in your Auralia questions, worksheets and syllabi, and teach theory and aural concepts using diverse musical examples.. world music, movie soundtracks, video game music, musical theatre, pop music, western art music, and much more.


YouTube Integration

Four-part writing with automatic assessment

17th April 2024

Musition® now includes four-part writing with automatic assessment!

Let’s face it, this is going to save you loads of time (no more marking) and give your students clear, annotated feedback to guide their learning.


Four-part writing with automatic assessment

Sight Singing & Recording

17th April 2024

Now your students can record and submit audio assessments directly in Auralia!

This is perfect for sight singing drills, keyboard and piano tests, plus developing imitation and improvisation skills.


Sight Singing & Recording

Browser Enhancements 4.4

17th April 2024

Cloud subscribers now have access to some great new features at including:

  • YouTube Integration
  • Keyboard, Guitar and Solfege Controllers
  • Reports


Browser Enhancements 4.4